There are many acupuncture methods, and with the progress of the times and the development of scientific level, more and more acupuncture methods appear. In addition to traditional acupuncture methods such as cupping, moxibustion, etc., there are also many modern acupuncture methods to join, more and more rich family of acupuncture methods that.
1、Traditional Acupuncture Methods
There are many traditional acupuncture methods, in addition to the use of millipercentrifuge, such as some cupping, moxibustion and so on are very effective methods.
A. Hairpin method
The so-called millipercentrifugal method refers to the unique millipercentrifugal needles of acupuncture, piercing into specific points for treatment, to achieve the role of dredging the meridians.
B. Other Acupuncture Methods
In addition to the millimeters, there are many other methods of acupuncture, such as the common fire needle method, the method of needle, three-pronged needle method, and so on.
C. Cupping
Cupping method has been around since ancient times, not only the effect is amazing, but also contains a wealth of scientific reasoning. Cupping method mainly excludes the air contained in the cupping jar, and let him form negative pressure, so that it can effectively analyze and treat the disease.
D. Plum Blossom Needle Therapy
Plum Blossom Needle Therapy does not mean using needles shaped like plum blossoms for acupuncture, but refers to using five or seven needles for acupuncture.
E. Moxibustion
Moxibustion is an important part of the acupuncture method, moxibustion is also a lot of methods, the common ones are moxa moxibustion, warm needle moxibustion and moxa moxibustion and so on. There are three methods of moxibustion, namely gentle moxibustion, sparrow pecking moxibustion and ironing heat moxibustion, and there are still branches down the line. Moxibustion treatment methods and other acupuncture methods should be separate out, but their purpose is unified, that is, to cure the disease to save people’s lives.
2、Modern Acupuncture Methods
Modern acupuncture methods are not only limited to the use of millimeters or moxibustion and other tools, with the continuous progress of modern medical technology, some sonic point acupuncture, microwave acupuncture, laser irradiation method, acupuncture point injection method and so on the use of a variety of modern acupuncture methods more and more broad range.