Acupuncture can help us to effectively relieve illnesses, but it does not mean that this method of health care treatment is 100% safe. In order to protect our lives and health, some of the following acupuncture precautions must be borne in mind!
1, in the body is too tired, highly nervous and hungry when it is best not to carry out acupuncture; 2, the elderly and weak people to carry out acupuncture; 2, the elderly and weak people to carry out acupuncture.
2, the old and weak for acupuncture treatment, it is best to choose the lying position, because it is easier to choose the acupuncture points; 3, women in pregnancy for acupuncture treatment, it is best to choose the acupuncture points, it is best to choose the acupuncture points, it is best to choose the acupuncture points.
3, women in pregnancy acupuncture force must be gentle, and some can cause women’s contractions of the acupuncture points should not be acupuncture, common such points are the Hegu, Sanyinjiao, Kunlun and so on.
4, if the child for acupuncture, the child cries and does not cooperate, do not leave the needle, unless necessary.
5, infants and young children for acupuncture, fontanel and Fengfu, dummy door points and other points must not be able to apply the needle.
6, patients with bleeding disorders are best not to carry out acupuncture; 7, skin infections, tumors and so on.
7, skin infections, tumors and other parts of the body can not carry out acupuncture.
8, special patients with special parts of the selection of acupuncture points, the angle and depth of the needle has a special attention, such as intestinal adhesions in the patient’s abdomen and so on.
9, acupuncture precautions the most important one is, acupuncture depends on the type of disease, should be based on the condition to choose the method of acupuncture or other means of treatment.
Acupuncture can treat a lot of diseases in our daily life, but there are still some diseases that acupuncture can not treat or can not achieve the best therapeutic effect. Therefore, in normal times we can use acupuncture as a means of health care; in the emergence of disease we have to choose the appropriate acupuncture method or other medical means, so as to maximize the protection of our lives and health.