The relaxation of Zhaobao Tai Chi must be at the root. To relax the body, the root must be relaxed. The upper body is empty and the lower body is solid. The upper and lower yin and yang are separated, and the qi sinks into the Dantian. The strength must be in the soles of the feet, the Yongquan at the soles of the feet. Every movement starts with relaxation and ends with relaxation. The force stops but the intention does not stop, and it never stops.
The Yongquan is connected to the Dantian. The soles of the feet are like facing the abyss. The strength starts from the earth, is regulated in the feet, transformed in the Dantian, formed in the spine, and communicated with the spirit at the top. The feet fall and lift lightly, and move at any time. Advance, retreat, look around, and the essence is all in it.
When practicing boxing, the hands do not move randomly. Use the strength of the soles of the feet to move the hands, pull the big tendons, change the virtual and real axis forces, draw circles at the bottom of the elbows, and flip the yin and yang to drive the palm force. The four tips interact and penetrate each joint. The groin is rotated, the two hips are loose and closed, the big tendons of the spine support each other, and the kidneys go in and out of the kidneys, and the skill is naturally upgraded. Use your hips to push the ground, and when the greater trochanter moves, there will be something on the sole of your foot, which is called ground force. Only by playing with ground force can you learn to listen to the force. This push-hands is useful. Intention is the endocrine substance of the pituitary gland. The whole body is driven by the brain, which can be said to be Wuji and Taiji. Whether a boxing is good or not depends on whether it is healthy or not, and then it depends on the fighting skills, not the posture, nor the force. Health preservation is to look at the blood and qi after the fight, and the complexion. Good qi and full spirit.
Tai Chi is not only yin and yang, but also the five elements when it moves. The spirit is wood, gold is bone, water is blood, fire is qi, and earth is flesh. From this, we can find the magical connotation of yin and yang and the five elements in Tai Chi. The origin of the acupoint is the coccyx point, first from the Yongquan point on the sole of the foot. Yongquan rushes up and gradually reaches the knee. The work below the knee requires the sole of the foot to exert force. Like a worm walking and like a thorn. Passing the knee and slowly reaching the coccyx, it is like a hard object coming to resist. There is a sense of lightness, five fingers lying on the ground, the soles of the feet seem to be stepping on ice, and the momentum is gathered. The whole body breeds static force. Understand the sound of the wind and the cicada. The movement is contained in the static, that is, the control force. The pits on the body are the places for the transformation of force. For example, the armpits and groin, Zhaobao Tai Chi uses the crotch instead of the hand, which is the crotch force, that is, the front and back circles of the groin. The crotch force is strong, in fact, it is good to relax and close, the groin tendons rise, and then it can bounce at high speed. When the crotch is relaxed, the body contains speed. Relaxation and closing are themselves one, a pair of yin and yang. Relaxation is for closing, closing is for launching, and relaxation is for advancing. Closing is to fight. Practicing boxing is to carry five bows on the body, and practicing bows is to shoot arrows. From the perspective of Tai Chi, it is to carry six bows on the body, and there is another most important bow, which is the crotch. The groin is the rubber band, and the greater trochanter is the projectile, so that the potential energy can be collapsed, as fast as shooting an arrow. It is to sink the qi down again on the basis of the small Zhoutian, all the way to the Yongquan point on the sole of the foot, and then turn it up again. This is the operation of the big Zhoutian!
The best way to practice the small circulation is actually to sit in meditation, and the best way to run the big circulation is to stand in a posture! When running the small circulation, the coccyx is facing forward, also called the buttocks are gathered; the spine surges to the Baihui point on the top of the head, and then goes down from the Chonglou point to the Dantian point. Then the Yin and Yang symbols of the Dai and Chong meridians rotate directly to the Yongquan point on the bottom of the feet and return to the Mingmen point, which is running the big circulation.