According to the rules of operation and movement, the main acupuncture techniques are: lifting and inserting method, twisting method, circular method, popping method, scraping method, shaking method, flying method and vibration method.

  1. Lifting and inserting method

After the needling reaches a certain depth, the operation of lifting up and inserting down is carried out. The amplitude and frequency of the operation should be consistent, usually lasting 3~5 minutes, with a frequency of 60~90 times per minute. Ensure that the needle body remains vertical and the strength is evenly distributed.

  1. Twisting method

When the needle reaches a certain depth, carry out forward and backward twisting action. Require the twisting angle, frequency and strength to be uniform, this operation helps to reduce local pain and stagnant needle phenomenon, the usual frequency is 90 times per minute.

  1. Following method

This is a method of gentle pressing and kneading along the path of meridian circulation when the needle is left in place. Its main purpose is to stimulate Qi.

  1. Bouncing Method

When the needle is left in place, the end of the needle is gently flicked by the fingers, causing the body of the needle to vibrate. This method is mainly used to stimulate and move Qi.

  1. Scraping

When the needle reaches a certain depth, use the thumb and forefinger of one hand to hold the end of the needle, and then use the other hand to scrape the handle of the needle. The purpose of this method is to catalyze Qi, move Qi and guard Qi.

  1. Shaking Method

When the needle reaches a certain depth, gently shake the needle handle. This method is mainly used to strengthen the needle sensation or promote the conduction of the needle sensation.

  1. Flying method

When the needling does not produce a sense of qi, hold the handle of the needle and carry out fine twisting and grinding operations, each time after the twisting and grinding are slightly relaxed, this twisting and releasing movements similar to the movements of birds. Flying method is mainly used to promote qi, qi and strengthen the sense of needle.

  1. Tremor method

When the needling reaches a certain depth, the needle body is shaken by small-amplitude insertion and twisting operations.